Logomo is easy to reach!
Company Meeting
To what company space are you coming to?
The companies in Logomo Konttori are located on the west side (or the harbour-side) of the building. The companies in Logomo Byrå are located on the east side (or the bus stadion -side) of the building.
Don`t know the location of the company?
You can find every company in the Logomo from company list.

Which conference space are you coming to?
Logomo has many conference spaces:
- Logomo hall and lobby
- TEATRO Bar & Cafe, Teatro hall and Teatro Gallery
- GOTO conference rooms
- MOVE hall
- KINO hall
- LOGI halls
Don`t know the name of the conference space?
First check the conference invite or program on whether the conference space is mentioned there.
If you cannot find the name, you can contact our venue service:
050 599 6379

Which event space are you coming to?
Logomo has many event spaces:
- LOGOMO hall and lobby
- TEATRO hall
- Stands
- KINO hall
- LOGI halls
Don`t know the name of the event space?
First check the ticket, conference invite or program for whether the event space is mentioned there. You can also check the event calendar for more details.

Logomo has two restaurants, Kitchen and Teatro. Kitchen has lunch on weekdays. Teatro has brunch on saturdays, and is also open before and after events.

Mode of transportation
Personal vehicle or taxi
Personal vehicle or taxi
Try to choose your parking area based on which part of the house you are going to. There may be parking coordinators assisting during events. You can drive to Logomo from Köydenpunojankatu or Vaunukatu. P7 parking area also has charging stations for electric cars. Entrance to the P8 parking area is from Ratapihankatu. Parking is subject to a fee.
Logomo has a taxi stand that is located near the building, in front of Teatro. Taxi can be ordered from the number 02 100 41.
Don`t know where you are going to?
In this case refer to first part of the guide: Where are you coming to?

The bicycle parking areas are located on both sides of the railway track. Parking is free.

Local bus line
Local bus to Logomo
You can easily get to Logomo from Turku centre by using local buses.
You can get straight to Logomo (Köydenpunojankatu) from local bus lines 20 and 61.
You can find more details on bus routes and a guide from Föli`s website.

Long distance bus
You can also get to Logomo by using long-distance buses:
Turku bus station is close to Logomo (approx. 1 km) In practice you just have to cross Aninkaistensilta bridge. It is the one that crosses the railroads.
You can find bus schedules from below

Train to Logomo:
The Turku main railway station is located approximately 700 m from Logomo.
Due to track work, the railway line is shut off between Turku and Kupittaa, and trains to Helsinki arrive and depart from the Kupittaa station instead of Turku. The track work is planned to be completed by the end of 2024.
Traffic between Turku and Tampere is running normally.